Someone I Loved

Storyline Someone I Loved
One night, Pierre decides to reveal his painful secret to his daughter-in-law, who's just been abandoned by her husband. Pierre's secret is about his secret love to Mathilde, the woman he left to instead follow an easier path in life.
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Movie details Someone I Loved
Release :2009-05-06
Genre :Drama, Comedy
Runtime : 112
Company : Babe Films
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xkcd: Duty Calls
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What is GiveForward? GiveForward is the first place to turn when you or someone you love is facing a challenge. It’s the central rallying place for giving and ...
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May 27, 2015: being touch and spoken to by: jax2015 I was crying, sobbing in a dream. When I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders. At the same time I heard a ...
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