
Storyline Girl
Muriel moves from a small village to the big city of Brussels, hoping to start an independent life working as a museum guide. She rents a room from Laura, who has a room to spare now that her mother is in hospital. Laura is a vital and candid woman who has a child-wish but leads a very chaotic life. Meanwhile, Muriel's mother has a hard time accepting that her daughter leads a life of her own now, and she also faces some changes at the factory where she works. The movie follows the interconnected lifes of these three women of three different generations, who all face different problems.
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Movie details Girl
Release :2002-09-01
Genre :Drama, Romance
Runtime : 93
Company :
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A girl is a female human from birth through childhood and adolescence to attainment of adulthood when she becomes a woman. The term girl may also be used ...
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Music video by Anouk performing Girl
Pre-order from YT: Also available at iTunes: Girl / Sleep Sound is out 5 May 2014 on Young ...
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