
Storyline Pulsar
Samuel works in Brussels as a pharmaceutical delivery man. His gorgeous girlfriend Mireille heads off to New York to intern at a prestigious architecture firm. Shortly after her departure, Sam's computer is hacked. A series of rather dodgy IT-guys fail to protect his wireless network. The mysterious hacker seems intent on screwing up Samuel's life and his relationship with Mireille. Paranoia kicks in. Sam starts to suspect his neighbors and gets obsessed with WiFi-rays... Love, paranoia and two lovers separated by an ocean of communication devices.
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Movie details Pulsar
Release :2010-08-12
Genre :Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Romance, Foreign
Runtime : 91
Company :
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Een pulsar is een snel ronddraaiende neutronenster die elektromagnetische straling uitzendt. Deze straling wordt op de aarde waargenomen in de vorm van snelle pulsen.
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A pulsar (short for pulsating radio star) is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can be observed ...
14-12-2016 00:00 Société Rédaction. 18eanniversaire de l’assassinat de Norbert Zongo: Un «sit-in silencieux» pour dénoncer la lenteur dans le dossier
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Pulsar develops and manufactures Architectural Lighting in the UK that provides the core of many hi-tech installations around the world.
PULSAR ŞİRKETLER GRUBU PULSAR GROUP CO. Pulsar Proje Pulsar Project; Pulsar Kimya Sanayi Pulsar Chem. Co. Pulsar Robotik Otomasyon Sistemleri Pulsar Robotics ve ...
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The Crab Pulsar (PSR B0531+21) is a relatively young neutron star. The star is the central star in the Crab Nebula, a remnant of the supernova SN 1054, which was ...
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