Love Comes Quietly

Storyline Love Comes Quietly
Love Comes Quietly (aka Angela) tells the story of a free-spirited girl who was born in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the 1920s, even the somewhat more tolerant people of the Netherlands (relative to the rest of Europe) did not easily suffer the open flouting of the rules of society. Cheerful and optimistic, Angela (Barbara Hershey) defied the conventions of her conservative Dutch family by traipsing about the countryside with her lover, living on what turned up each day. However, even for the sunniest of optimists such an idyll can have tragic consequences.
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Movie details Love Comes Quietly
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Directed by: Nikolai van der Heyde Stars: Sandy van der Linden, Barbara Hershey, Ralph Meeker Language: English | Subtitles: English (embed) Country:
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