100% arabica

Storyline 100% arabica
The movie takes place in a poverty-stricken, rent-controlled neighborhood on the outskirts of Paris. Algerian immigrants, many of whom are in France illegally, the place has earned the nickname of "100%Arabica". It's a rough neighborhood - crime is rampant, gangs of juvenile delinquents roam the streets, and the police are afraid to patrol the area. When the out-of-touch mayor decides that he wants to restore order to the area, he offers a subsidy to Slimane, the imam of the local mosque. If Slimane can get people off the streets, the mayor will continue the payments. Soon the byways of 100%Arabica are almost peaceful - but not because of something Slimane has done. The reason is that a new Rai Band, Rap Oriental, has taken the neighborhood by storm...
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Movie details 100% arabica
Release :1997-11-05
Genre :Drama, Foreign
Runtime : 0
Company :
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