Dry Season

Storyline Dry Season
Chad, 2006. After a forty-year civil war, the radio announces the government has just amnestied the war criminals. Outraged by the news, Gumar Abatcha orders his grandson Atim, a sixteen-year-old youth, to trace the man who killed his father and to execute him. Atim obeys him and, armed with his father's own gun, he goes in search of Nassara, the man who made him an orphan. It does not take long before he finds him. Nassara, who now goes straight, is married, goes to the mosque and owns a small bakery. After some hesitation Atim offers him his services as an apprentice. He is hired then it will be easy for him to gun down the murderer of his father. At least, that is what he thinks...
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Movie details Dry Season
Release :2006-09-01
Genre :Action, Drama, Thriller
Runtime : 96
Company : Arte France Cinéma, Entre Chien et Loup, Chinguitty Productions, Goi-Goi Productions
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Source: H.J. Fouché (1992; unpublished data as cited by De Waal, 1994) 1 Average monthly rainfall 2 Probability of rainfall 3 Coefficient of variation
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