What's in a Name

Storyline What's in a Name
Vincent, a wealthy real estate agent, is invited to dinner by his sister Elizabeth and her husband Peter, both professors in Paris. Claude, a childhood friend and trombonist in a symphony orchestra, is also present. Vincent brings news from the prenatal examination of his and his wife Anna's unborn son. The name chosen by the soon-to-be parents strongly offends the others for many reasons. The dispute between the guests quickly escalates and before long the resurgence of old grudges and hidden secrets is unavoidable ...
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Movie details What's in a Name
Release :2012-04-25
Genre :Drama, Comedy
Runtime : 109
Company : M6 Films, TF1 Films Production, Canal+, Nexus Factory, Pathé, uFilm, M6, Le Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique, Chapter 2, uFund
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‘What’s in a name’ kan je uitleggen op de manier die jij eraan geeft. Cynisch of realistisch. De naam van iemand komt vaak overeen met het beroep van iemand ...
The quote "What's in a name? That which we call a rose" is from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Learn who said it and what it means at eNotes.com
Name Themes; Anagrams; Links; Surname Site; Login Register. the etymology and history of first names. search names; search meanings; search popularity; search namesakes;
"What's in a Name?" Author: Isaac Asimov: Original title "Death of a Honey-Blonde" Country: United States: Language: English: Genre(s) mystery short story: Published in
IT MIGHT sound like the name of an imaginary firm designed by the characters on “Sesame Street”, a popular children’s programme, but on August 10th ...
William Shakespeare — ‘What's in a name? that which we call a roseBy any other name would smell as sweet.’
What's in a name? is a communication collective ready to be called in by advertisers and ad agencies. The creative leitmotiv? iMaginative Storytelling.
Welcome to the What's in a Name Forenames website. This website will tell you where Forenames (i.e. Personal Names, First Names or Given Names) are thought to have ...
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" is a frequently referenced part of William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet seems to argue that it ...
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