Crazy Love

Storyline Crazy Love
Three 'Bukowskian' torrid nights in the life of a man in search of love. Harry Voss, 12, is young and naive. Love, for him, is romantic love between princes and princesses demurely kissing each other on the mouth. His father is a hero who kidnapped his mother and married her on a lonely mountain peak... Later on, he'll do the same. But Harry has a lot to learn. He learns about 'being hot' and 'fucking' and about what you have to do when you're alone and 'feel the itch'. He also learns that there are handsome men and ugly ones, that love can be unfair. That one can find comfort in drinking... but above all he learns that man is capable of anything - absolutely anything! - to get his fair share of love.
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Movie details Crazy Love
Release :1987-10-01
Genre :Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Romance
Runtime : 90
Company :
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Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Beyoncé's official video for 'Crazy In Love'. Click to listen to Beyoncé on ...
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Directed by Scott Cooper. With Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Colin Farrell, James Keane. A faded country music musician is forced to reassess his dysfunctional ...
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Music video by Aerosmith performing Crazy. (C) 1994 Geffen Records
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