
Storyline Force
Following a series of unsolved robberies, the authorities decide to give carte blanche to commander Clara Damico to neutralize a particularly organized gang. Manual Makarov, a well-known figure in organized crime, is currently serving a sentence of twelve years in prison. Commander Damico promises him freedom in exchange for his cooperation. He refuses. There is no other solution, she is obliged to compel him by force.
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Movie details Force
Release :2011-10-26
Genre :Drama, Action, Thriller, Crime, Foreign
Runtime : 97
Company : Iris productions, Studio 37, Marilyn Productions
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Force | Define Force at
Force definition, physical power or strength possessed by a living being: He used all his force in opening the window. See more.
Force definition, physical power or strength possessed by a living being: He used all his force in opening the window. See more.
Force - definition of force by The Free Dictionary
force (fôrs) n. 1. The capacity to do work or cause physical change; energy, strength, or active power: the force of an explosion. 2. a. Power made operative against ...
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De Kracht - Wikipedia
De Kracht (Engels: The Force), is een geheimzinnige kracht die gebruikt wordt door Jedi en Sith in de Star Warsverhalen
De Kracht (Engels: The Force), is een geheimzinnige kracht die gebruikt wordt door Jedi en Sith in de Star Warsverhalen
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Royal Australian Air Force - Air Force provides air and ...
The homepage of the Royal Australian Air Force. The Royal Australian Air Force delivers air and space power to protect Australia and its interests.
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