Pauline & Paulette

Storyline Pauline & Paulette
Pauline is a 'little girl of 66 years old'. She is mentally retarded and been cared after by her sister Martha. When Martha dies, her two younger sisters, Paulette and Cecile have to make a decision on the best place for Pauline to be looked after. Neither of them is ready to take care of her. Paulette has a shop to look after and Cecile has her Albert. But according to Martha's last will, her fortune will only be divided in three equal parts if one of the sisters looks after Pauline. If they decide to take her to an institution, Pauline will be the only heir.
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Movie details Pauline & Paulette
Release :2001-06-27
Genre :Drama, Comedy
Runtime : 78
Company :
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Marie Paulette (Pauline) Bonaparte (Ajaccio, 20 oktober 1780 - Florence, 9 juni 1825) was de tweede zuster van Napoleon Bonaparte. Ze gold in haar tijd als een ...
Paulette Goddard, geboren als Marion Pauline Levy (Whitestone Landing , 3 juni 1910 - Ronco sopra Ascona (Zwitserland), 23 april 1990) was een Amerikaans actrice.
Pauline ist ein weiblicher Vorname und eine Erweiterung des Vornamens Paula, welcher wiederum die weibliche Form von Paul ist.
Judas TheaterProducties vzw - Hoogstraat 14 – 2de verdieping, 2000 Antwerpen T 0032 (0)3 227 27 73 - BE 0474.262.890 -
Pauline Bonaparte (20 October 1780 – 9 June 1825) was the first sovereign Duchess of Guastalla, an imperial French Princess and the Princess consort of Sulmona and ...
Pauline Kael; Born: June 19, 1919 Petaluma, California, U.S. Died: September 3, 2001 (2001-09-03) (aged 82) Great Barrington, Massachusetts, U.S. Occupation
Paulette Goddard, nome d'arte di Pauline Marion Levy (New York, 3 giugno 1910 – Ronco sopra Ascona, 23 aprile 1990), è stata un'attrice cinematografica statunitense.
Paulette Goddard. AKA Pauline Marion Levy. Born: 3-Jun-1910 Birthplace: Queens, NY Died: 23-Apr-1990 Location of death: Ronco, Switzerland Cause of death: Heart ...
Paulette Goddard en 1940 Données clés Nom de naissance Marion Pauline Goddard-Levy Naissance 3 juin 1910 New York (États-Unis) Nationalité Américaine Décès 23 ...
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