Richard the Stork

Storyline Richard the Stork
Orphaned at birth and raised by storks, the teenage sparrow Richard believes he is one of them. But when the time comes to migrate to Africa, his stork family is forced to reveal his true identity and leave him behind in the forest, since he is not a migratory bird and would not survive the journey. Determined to prove he is a stork after all, Richard ventures south on his own. But only with the help of Olga, an eccentric owl with an imaginary friend and Kiki, a narcissistic, disco-singing parakeet, does he stand a chance to reach his goal and learn to accept who he really is.
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Movie details Richard the Stork
Release :
Genre :Animation
Runtime : 0
Company : Mélusine Productions
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Stork Turbo Services BV. Stork Turbo Services in Almere is een werkmaatschappij binnen Stork. Stork Turbo Services richt zich op het onderhoud van gas- en stoomturbines.
The Stork Club was a nightclub in Manhattan, New York City, which during its existence from 1929 to 1965 was one of the most prestigious clubs in the world.
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The white stork is a largely carnivorous bird, consuming a wide range of prey including small fish, snakes, frogs, molluscs, crustaceans, a variety of insects and, on ...
The black stork is a large but fairly secretive bird. The black head, upperparts, wings, tail and long neck have a conspicuous gre...
Richard Robert Ernst (born 14 August 1933) is a Swiss physical chemist and Nobel Laureate. Born in Winterthur, Switzerland, Ernst was awarded the Nobel Prize in ...
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