The Open

Storyline The Open
War is global. Yet Stéphanie (n°4, WTA) and André are preparing their Open... without any tennis balls. They believe in it. So much that they could even convince Ralph, a guerilla from the plain, to lay down his gun... and take up his racket.
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Movie details The Open
Release :2015-11-14
Genre :Science Fiction, Drama
Runtime : 104
Company : KGB Studio
Some Reviews
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The Open Definition - Open Definition - Defining Open in ...
The Open Definition sets out principles that define “openness” in relation to data and content. It makes precise the meaning of “open” in the terms “open ...
The Open Definition sets out principles that define “openness” in relation to data and content. It makes precise the meaning of “open” in the terms “open ...
Afstandsonderwijs op universitair niveau - OU
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Open University - Distance Learning Courses and Adult ...
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Open Access Week - October 24 - 30, 2016 | Everywhere
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