
Storyline Cages
Eve is an emergency medical technician who falls in love with Damien (Sagamore Stévenin), a handsome and caring man who runs a neighborhood bar in the Belgian countryside. When Damien and Eve become a couple, she joins him in looking after the bar and becomes friendly with the regular customers, but things take an unexpected turn when Eve is in a serious auto accident. While Eve walks away with no serious physical injuries, she's emotionally ravaged by the experience, and develops a severe speech impediment. Eve's new stutter makes it hard for her to communicate with Damien and she becomes the butt of jokes from the customers. Eve is increasingly isolated and Damien takes up with another woman until Eve retaliates by trapping him in their home and forces him to re-establish the building blocks of their relationship, starting with their sexual communication. Meanwhile, Eve's struggle to speak is contrasted with one of the tavern's annual events, an animal calling contest.
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Movie details Cages
Release :2007-05-09
Genre :Thriller, Drama, Romance
Runtime : 86
Company : Versus Production
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