Silent City

Storyline Silent City
A young Dutch woman, Rosa, comes to Japan to learn the art of preparing fish from Master Hon, the best fish-chef in the world. Against her expectation Rosa has to work in the cleaning-kitchen, together with other unpaid novices. Here begins her lonely journey through the alien and hierarchic world of the famous fish restaurant. After a while Rosa gets into financial problems and she has to take a job on the side. She becomes a hostess in a night club. Her isolation grows and she discovers that working in the club is like being in an ‘aquarium’ herself. The tempting and delicious fishes from Master Hon, as well as his supreme mastership – he catches fish out of the water by hand - make her stay. But to reveal his secret, Rosa has to descend into her own underworld. When night and day meld and it all comes together, she learns to understand the fishes and to become like the master.
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Movie details Silent City
Release :2012-10-04
Genre :
Runtime : 87
Company : Key Films, Samsa Film
Some Reviews
Search Result :
For "Silent City," the kamancheh (Persian spike fiddle), Western strings and percussion join in a meditation that is created anew with each performance.
The history of Mdina traces back more than 4000 years. According to tradition it was here that in 60 A.D. that the Apostle St. Paul is said to have lived after being ...
Mdina, also known as the Silent City, is a medieval fortified town in central Malta, important for the many historical buildings and fortifications.
Silent City Meets Living City . Tyne Cot Cemetery in Zonnebeke is de belangrijkste herinnering aan de Slag van Passendale. Met haar bijna 12.000 graven en 35.000 ...
Mdina L-Imdina Città Notabile, Città Vecchia Maleth, Melite, Melita; City and Local council
The Eureka Springs Historical Museum will host its 8th annual “Voices from Eureka's Silent City” cemetery walking tours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October ...
A collection of epitaphs, both of the famous and of the obscure. Part of City of the Silent, the Web's foremost cemeteries site.
Urban Green Energy's newly unveiled Eddy GT wind turbine is quiet, chic and rotates on a vertical axis, the better the catch the shifting winds of the city ...
Silent Films: A thorough history of the films of the classic silent era is described in two other places in this site: Greatest Films of the Pre-20s
One of the Internet's top sources of information on silent era films, people and theaters. Includes news, top 100 list, home video reviews, book reviews, and more.
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