Feathers in My Head

Storyline Feathers in My Head
Jean-Pierre (Francis Renaud) and his wife Blanche (Sophie Museur) live a quiet but happy life in their small Belgian town. But their world is shattered when their young son goes missing. In the aftermath of the family tragedy, the couple's own relationship starts to deteriorate. As it gets worse, Blanche begins to lose touch with reality, believing that their son is still with them. Now Jean-Pierre must decide whether to let Blanche believe her fantasy, or bring her around to the horrible truth.
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Movie details Feathers in My Head
Release :2003-05-15
Genre :
Runtime : 106
Company :
Some Reviews
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From Pam, Saturday August 16th I too find feathers. I found white feathers in the log house we bought on the shore of a nearby lake. I found so many that I realized ...
The Egyptians believed feathers to be a symbol of Ma’at, the goddess of truth, justice, and order. Native American Chiefs wore feathers in their head ...
Plot outline, cast and crew listing, reviews, trivia, promotional and technical details, multimedia, and links.
Your Source For Event Supplies. Events Wholesale (aka Wholesale Event Solutions) is your one-stop resource for event planning supplies. Our discount pricing is ...
We have a large supply of Native American Indian feathers. Our feathers are great for your craft projects.
Cockatiels at Home 4. By Eleanor McCaffrey, Copyright© No portion of this text may be copied, printed or reproduced without permission from site owner.
Ignite your imagination with feathers! Get creative with these mixed marabou feathers, making fall and holiday decorating more authentic and fun. They are also great ...
I was not that superstitious about things until one day I brought some peacock feathers home for my ex girlfriend and my mother. As soon as my ex girlfriend took them ...
October 16, 2016 Something happened in my home before I went to church. My husband made me very angry and I try not to take those feelings to church.
Reasons for picking at feathers Protein deficiency– Feathers and eggs are predominantly protein. Adult chickens require diets between 15-17% protein depending on ...
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