
Storyline Vivaldi
The headstrong genius and priest Antonio Vivaldi is sent to the Ospedale Della Pieta, a charitable institution for the care of courtesans' illegitimate daughters. Here he finds himself in charge of a talented but traumatised group of girls and his outrageous talent and flame red hair sometimes excite more than just their musical passions. With diligence and care Vivaldi schools them into a sublime chamber orchestra and soon they are renowned continent-wide. However clouds soon loom and his maverick ways arouse the suspicion of powerful men. Now he finds himself exiled and separated from his beloved girls. Despondent, he discovers the nature of a dark plot against them - they are to be sold into slavery via a prostitution ring. The great composer must do all he can to rescue his puplis, career and the very integrity of the city Venice from abject ruin.
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Movie details Vivaldi
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Runtime : 120
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AFSTANDTABEL + ROUTEBESCHRIJVING NAAR ONZE BUURGEMEENTEN IN DE ANTWERPSE KEMPEN: Gemeente/stad: aantal km: routebeschrijving van Vivaldi naar midden van ...
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (Italian: [anˈtɔːnjo ˈluːtʃo viˈvaldi]; 4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741) was an Italian Baroque composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher and ...
Portrait de Vivaldi Gravure sur cuivre de François Morellon de La Cave Données clés Surnom Il Prete Rosso (Le Prêtre Roux) Nom de naissance Antonio Lucio Vivaldi ...
By I Musici 1988, cover:
Hoofdmenu Home; Introductie video
Performed by Itzhak Perlman with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra RV315 "Summer" can be found here:
RESIDENTIE VOOR DERDE LEEFTIJD. Vivaldi is een residentie waar menselijke warmte en vriendelijkheid van zelfsprekend zijn. Uw woonst wordt Uw thuis, het is er ...
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Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (født 4. mars 1678 i Venezia, død 28. juli 1741 i Wien) var en italiensk komponist, fiolinist og katolsk prest. I vår tid regnes Vivaldi som ...
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