Princess of the Sun

Storyline Princess of the Sun
In Ancient Egypt, during the monotheistic regime of Akhenaten, Akhesa is a beautiful princess, 14 years of age. An impetuous young girl, Akhesa rebels against her father's dictats. She refuses to live confined in the royal palace and wants to discover why her mother, Queen Nefertiti, has been exiled on the island of Elephantine. Assisted by her half-brother prince Tutankhaten, or "Tut", Akhesa flees the court in hopes of finding her mother. In defiance of danger the two teenagers travel down the Nile to the burning-hot desert dunes, courageously facing the mercenary Zannanza and priests of Amun Ra, who are conspiring to overthrow the pharaoh because of his rejection of their god. With innocence their only weapon, Akhesa and Tut overcome many hardships, and encounter an extraordinary destiny.
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Movie details Princess of the Sun
Release :2007-04-04
Genre :Animation
Runtime : 90
Company : Belokan Productions
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