Winter in Wartime

Storyline Winter in Wartime
During World War II in the freezing Netherlands winter of 1944/1945 the western Netherlands are in the grip of a famine. Many people move east to provide for their families. Fourteen year old Michiel can't wait to join the Dutch resistance, to the dismay of his father, who, as mayor, works to prevent escalations in the village.
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Movie details Winter in Wartime
Release :2008-11-17
Genre :Drama, History, War
Runtime : 103
Company : Max TV, Prime Time, Isabella Films B.V., Fu Works, Isabella Films
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Oorlogswinter (2008) - IMDb
Directed by Martin Koolhoven. With Martijn Lakemeier, Jamie Campbell Bower, Yorick van Wageningen, Raymond Thiry. In the Nazi-occupied Netherlands, a teenage boy gets ...
Directed by Martin Koolhoven. With Martijn Lakemeier, Jamie Campbell Bower, Yorick van Wageningen, Raymond Thiry. In the Nazi-occupied Netherlands, a teenage boy gets ...
Winter In Wartime | trailer (2011) - YouTube
Trailer Genre: drama Regie / directed by: Martin Koolhoven Darsteller / cast: Kinostart Deutschland: Kinostart USA: 2011 offizielle Filmsite: http://www ...
Trailer Genre: drama Regie / directed by: Martin Koolhoven Darsteller / cast: Kinostart Deutschland: Kinostart USA: 2011 offizielle Filmsite: http://www ...
Officiële trailer OORLOGSWINTER - YouTube
Bioscooprelease: 27 november 2008 Het is de ijskoude winter van 1944/1945. Nederland is bedekt met een dik pak sneeuw. De Tweede Wereldoorlog is nog in ...
Bioscooprelease: 27 november 2008 Het is de ijskoude winter van 1944/1945. Nederland is bedekt met een dik pak sneeuw. De Tweede Wereldoorlog is nog in ...
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Winter Soldier | Characters |
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First Appearance (Bucky) Captain America Comics #1 (1941); (Winter Soldier) Captain America #1 (2005); (Captain America) Captain America #34 (2008)
Eligible Wartime Periods - Pension
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WARTIME STORIES - Time witnesses
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Turnip Winter - Wikipedia
The Turnip Winter occurred during the winter of 1916-1917 in Germany. Continually poor weather conditions led to a diminished harvest, most notably in cereal ...
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