She Good Fighter

Storyline She Good Fighter
Dennis Davids is a young, talented and idealistic lawyer in Antwerp, who takes every case at heart, even the pro-deo clients the court assigns for a meager fee. Needless to say he really goes the extra mile, risking his life and his career as his own private detective, in the case of Sandra Van Rompaey, a female kick-boxer who also proves herself as his lover, but is a miserable client, repeatedly violating her probation terms as well as the law.
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Movie details She Good Fighter
Release :1995-12-31
Genre :Action, Comedy, Romance
Runtime : 85
Company : Independent Productions, PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Fonds Film in Vlaanderen, Vlaamse Televisie Maatschappij (VTM)
Some Reviews
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Vega Edit. Cammy hates Vega since he is a part of Shadaloo and is obsessive of her and her beauty. In Street Fighter Alpha 3, Cammy goes rogue, and Vega is sent by M ...
Sakura appears in several of UDON's Street Fighter comics, like in Street Fighter Legends: Sakura (in which she is the main protagonist), Super Street Fighter and ...
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