
Storyline Missing
Five members of the Missing Persons Task Force investigate the mysterious disappearance of 17-year-old Evi. While unraveling the girl's troubled relationship with her parents, which leaves her father as one of the prime suspects, they discover that her life had recently taken a bizarre turn, with the teenager seen at several sex parties, receiving expensive gifts from a shadowy new friend. Was Evi the victim of a pimp, or did her father discover his daughter's double life and lose control?
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Movie details Missing
Release :2007-01-01
Genre :Crime, Drama, Thriller
Runtime : 0
Company :
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Missing (film) - Wikipedia
Missing: Regie: Costa-Gavras: Producent: Edward Lewis Mildred Lewis: Scenario: Costa-Gavras Donald Stewart Thomas Hauser (boek) Hoofdrollen: Jack Lemmon Sissy Spacek
Missing: Regie: Costa-Gavras: Producent: Edward Lewis Mildred Lewis: Scenario: Costa-Gavras Donald Stewart Thomas Hauser (boek) Hoofdrollen: Jack Lemmon Sissy Spacek
Missing person - Wikipedia
A missing person is a person who has disappeared and whose status as alive or dead cannot be confirmed as his or her location and fate are not known.
A missing person is a person who has disappeared and whose status as alive or dead cannot be confirmed as his or her location and fate are not known.
Missing-lynx.com - homepage
The goal at Missing Lynx is to provide AFV model builders and historians with an opportunity to exchange information in an open, friendly and easy to use environment.
The goal at Missing Lynx is to provide AFV model builders and historians with an opportunity to exchange information in an open, friendly and easy to use environment.
Missing You vzw - For now and forever...
Missing You: initatief voor jongeren en jongvolwassenen die familie of vrienden verloren hebben
Missing You: initatief voor jongeren en jongvolwassenen die familie of vrienden verloren hebben
Missing People
Missing People offers a lifeline for the 250,000 people who run away and go missing each year. We also provide support for family and friends
Missing People offers a lifeline for the 250,000 people who run away and go missing each year. We also provide support for family and friends
CUE Center for Missing Persons – Serving Missing Persons ...
Helps families find missing children. Free services include canvassing by car or on foot, emotional support, public awareness programs, and acting as a liaison with ...
Helps families find missing children. Free services include canvassing by car or on foot, emotional support, public awareness programs, and acting as a liaison with ...
Missing Money
Officially endorsed by NAUPA and the participating states and provinces, FREE national search for your missing money. State and provincial governments working ...
Officially endorsed by NAUPA and the participating states and provinces, FREE national search for your missing money. State and provincial governments working ...
Missing Pet Partnership – Think Lost Not Stray
Missing Pet Partnership is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to reuniting lost companion animals with their owners/guardians. We are pioneers of cutting ...
Missing Pet Partnership is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to reuniting lost companion animals with their owners/guardians. We are pioneers of cutting ...
1.5 Million Missing Black Men - The New York Times
For every 100 black women not in jail, there are only 83 black men. The remaining men – 1.5 million of them – are, in a sense, missing. Among cities ...
For every 100 black women not in jail, there are only 83 black men. The remaining men – 1.5 million of them – are, in a sense, missing. Among cities ...
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Donate to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children today to help find missing children and fund our critical outreach and prevention programs.
Donate to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children today to help find missing children and fund our critical outreach and prevention programs.
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