Bravo, Virtuoso!

Storyline Bravo, Virtuoso!
Alik, 25, has been raised by his grandfather, conductor of a renowned classical orchestra in post-Soviet Armenia where cultural institutions are failing and oligarchs allied with the mafia hold power. Alik, a clarinetist, is the virtuoso in this orchestra whose existence is seriously threatened when its key sponsor is murdered. One night, Alik comes into possession of a hired killer's mysterious telephone, which is used only to commission hits. Manipulated by a crook's daughter with whom he falls hopelessly in love and wishing to save the orchestra at all costs, Alik decides to take on the identity of the killer known as "The Virtuoso" and attempt to carry out his contracts. But Alik is a virtuoso musician, not a killer.
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Movie details Bravo, Virtuoso!
Release :2016-11-12
Genre :
Runtime : 92
Company :
Some Reviews
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Bravo! Vail. 2017 Season Dates: June 22 – August 5. One of the Top 10 "Can't Miss" Classical Music Festivals in the US —NPR. London's acclaimed Academy of St ...
Sinônimos de Virtuoso no Dicionário de Sinônimos. Virtuoso é sinônimo de: sério, probo, íntegro, honrado, honesto, direito, digno, nob ...
Sinonimi di bravo e contrari di bravo, come si dice bravo, un altro modo per dire bravo
Excellent. A privilege to see this man’s talent. Chaconne particularly showed off his ability. Second half brilliant. His violin on occasions made sounds I’ve ... Jon Sass - Tuba, Voice Jo Bartmes - liveloops, electronics, keyboard Kerstin Weinbrecht - visuals ...
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Giovanni Allevi (Ascoli Piceno, 9 aprile 1969) è un pianista, compositore e direttore d'orchestra italiano
Al verlos ni una papa dan por ellos pero después de escucharlos la gente los Tolera por horas - Duration: 6:06. MUSICALchannelTV 5,661,164 views
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Improve your piano technique with a widely used piano book : "The Virtuoso Pianist" by Charles Louis Hanon.
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