
Storyline Triage
Mark and David are best friends, photo journalists going from war to war. In the spring of 1988, they're in Kurdistan, at an isolated mountain clinic, waiting for an offensive. David's had enough - he wants to go home to Dublin to his pregnant wife. He leaves, with Mark promising to follow in a few days. A week or so later, Mark's home after being wounded, but David's not been heard from. Mark's slow recovery and uncharacteristic behavior alarm his girlfriend, Elena, who asks her grandfather, a Spanish psychologist, to come to Dublin to help. Are there things the carefree and detached journalist is bottling up? Is he a casualty of war?
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Movie details Triage
Release :2009-01-01
Genre :Drama, Thriller, Mystery
Runtime : 99
Company : Aramid Entertainment Fund, Irish Film Board, Tornasol Films, Asap films, Parallel Film Productions, Freeform Spain, Euroimages Fund of the Council of Europe
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Triage is het beoordelen van slachtoffers zoals bij grote(re) ongevallen, rampen, pandemieën en de Spoedeisende hulp-afdeling in ziekenhuizen, in verschillende ...
A triage tag is a prefabricated label placed on each patient that serves to accomplish several objectives: identify the patient. bear record of assessment findings.
TRIAGE op de spoedeisende hulp. Algemene informatie | TRIAGE | Waarom TRIAGE? | Betekenis voor bezoekers | Hoe werkt het? | TRIAGE . Triage is een relatief nieuw ...
Il triage (IPA: /tri'aʒ/, termine francese che indica «cernita, smistamento») è un sistema utilizzato per selezionare i soggetti coinvolti in infortuni secondo ...
Triage ([triːˈɑːʒ], von frz. trier ‚sortieren‘), deutsche Bezeichnung auch Sichtung oder Einteilung, bezeichnet ein nicht gesetzlich kodifiziertes oder ...
Directed by Danis Tanovic. With Colin Farrell, Jamie Sives, Paz Vega, Kelly Reilly. The wife of a photojournalist sets out to discover why he came home from a recent ...
Une gare de triage ou simplement un triage, également appelée gare de formation en Belgique, est une gare ferroviaire spécialisée où les wagons de marchandises ...
This site is dedicated to helping adults get immediate help in non medical emergencies for themselves and loved ones. In addition this sites hopes to provide relevent ...
Triage Consignment Showcase is 27,000 square feet of ever-changing inventory. Join the Triage email list to be informed of upcoming sales events and new arrivals at ...
triage meaning, definition, what is triage: the process of quickly examining patients who are taken to a hospital in order to decide…. Learn more.
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