The Promise

Storyline The Promise
In this acclaimed and gripping social portrait of immoral lives in need of rescue, Igor (Jérémie Renier), aged 15, and his father Roger (Olivier Gourmet) deal in housing and peddling illicit labor in the outlying districts of Liege, Belgium. Scams, lies and swindling rule their lives. When one of his father’s illegal workers gets injured on the job and asks Igor to promise to take care of his wife and baby, Igor finds himself at a crossroad. He wants to keep the promise, but the price would be to betray his father.
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Movie details The Promise
Release :1996-09-07
Genre :Drama
Runtime : 94
Company : Samsa Film, Eurimages, Les Films Du Fleuve, Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF), Touza Productions
Some Reviews
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PROMISE Technology is a leading developer of high-performance storage solutions tailor-made for the data center, surveillance, cloud, and rich media markets. PROMISE ...
Promises/A+. An open standard for sound, interoperable JavaScript promises—by implementers, for implementers. A promise represents the eventual result of an ...
Then she remembered her mother's promise and, slipping her hand under her pillow, drew out a little crimson-covered book.
Skatehal The Promise is op woensdag 18 november weer open gegaan en blijft dat in ieder geval tot en met eind 2017. De gemeente Heerlen heeft een nieuw contract ...
Promise is a 1986 CBS television movie presented by the Hallmark Hall of Fame. Adapted by screenwriter Richard Friedenberg from a story by Ken Blackwell and Tennyson ...
Sandy Hook Promise educates and empowers parents, schools and community organizations on how to prevent gun violence BEFORE it happens by delivering and advocating ...
Promise of God, nicely illustated inspirational poems and stories with photos, java and art, at Promise of God. We seek to help Christians in their walk of faith.
Promise Keepers is a men's ministry that holds conferences to disciple and evangelize men.
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Follow the blue lines for promises that fulfill, or the red for ones that reject. JavaScript exceptions and promises. Rejections happen when a promise is ...
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