Me, Myself and Mum

Storyline Me, Myself and Mum
How to become a man when your mother and your closed circle have decided otherwise? This is the challenge Guillaume took up. The film recounts Guillaume's tragicomic battle from the young age of eight, as he adopts the role of a girl then of a homosexual... until, aged 30, he meets the woman who, after his mother, will become the other woman in his life. Beyond this story of a heterosexual coming-out, the film tells the tale of an actor who never stopped loving women, maybe even a little too much.
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Movie details Me, Myself and Mum
Release :2013-11-20
Genre :Comedy
Runtime : 85
Company : Gaumont, LGM Productions, Rectangle Productions, Gaumont Distribution, France 3 Cinema
Some Reviews
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There have been changes to Ollie's life since his mum's new friend and her daughter arrived on the scene. Ollie spends more and more time playing with his new best ...
Confusing Words – Me, Myself, I Confused about when to use me, myself, or I? Is it “my friend and me” or “my friend and I”? Let me help you!
New York Times recommends MUM, which has exhibits about the world cultural history of menstruation and women's health
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Dear mum, This is your son, I am writing this to you, To tell you I'm done. Hold back those tears, Please don't cry Don't make this any harder, For me tonight.
Mum, it's hard to find the words to say, How much you mean to me, But if it wasn't for your love and care, I don't know where I'd be. How did you do it all, mum,
As I’ve mentioned before, mum’s a low carber. She has to be very careful about her blood sugar levels. There was almost nothing she missed about the ...
Words and expressions for menstruation around the world Send contributions from any culture and language! Write as much as you know about the words, including
Mrs. Gallienne, a rather temperamental upper middle-class lady, has three children, two of whom she considers as her sons and another she calls Guillaume ...
Stories from Young People . How do other people cope with abuse or domestic violence? What have they learnt from their experiences? Read these true stories:
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