Maddened by His Absence

Storyline Maddened by His Absence
After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father’s succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape a painful past he shared with Mado, his former wife, who in the meantime built a new life with Stéphane and their 7 year old son, Paul. Upon his return, Jacques and Mado meet again; he asks to meet her son Paul; Mado hesitates, then accepts but hides it from her husband. Soon, Paul and Jacques get close and they start to see each other secretly.
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Movie details Maddened by His Absence
Release :2012-10-31
Genre :Drama
Runtime : 98
Company : Mon Voisin Productions, Iris Group, Mosaïque Films
Some Reviews
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Drama uit België. Regie Sandrine Bonnaire. Jacques verloor negen jaar geleden zijn zoon door een auto-ongeluk. Hij bestuurde de auto toen en raakte zo van slag dat ...
Touched to the depths of his being by the death of his child in a car accident nine years ... Enhance your IMDb Page. ... J'enrage de son absence (2012)
A tale of inconsolable grief sensitively told from a bizarre angle, Maddened By His Absence (J’enrage de son absence) is carried beautifully by a ...
Maddened by his Absence (J'enrage de son absence): Cannes Review. ... Maddened by his Absence becomes an increasingly ... his verbal dexterity is often at ...
After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father's succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape a painful past he shared ...
After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father’s succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape a painful past he shared with Mado ...
Storyline Maddened by His Absence. After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father’s succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape ...
Touched to the depths of his being by the death of his child in a car accident nine years earlier, Jacques has lost his bearings. For this loss is all the more ...
Telly addict Andrew Collins casts his critical eye over New Worlds (above), Klondike, The Trip to Italy, Endeavour and Monkey Planet
Maddened by his absence J'enrage de son absence. A film by Sandrine Bonnaire. 2012 France - Drama. synopsis. After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle ...
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