Iron Sky: The Coming Race

Storyline Iron Sky: The Coming Race
Twenty years after the events of Iron Sky, the former Nazi Moonbase has become the last refuge of mankind. Earth was devastated by a nuclear war, but buried deep under the wasteland lies a power that could save the last of humanity - or destroy it once and for all. The truth behind the creation of mankind will be revealed when an old enemy leads our heroes on an adventure into the Hollow Earth. To save humanity they must fight the Vril, an ancient shapeshifting reptilian race and their army of dinosaurs.
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Movie details Iron Sky: The Coming Race
Release :2017-09-22
Genre :Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Runtime : 0
Company : 27 Films Production, Potemkino, Iron sky universe
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Demand Iron Sky in Your Town. Let us know if you'd like to see Iron Sky in your area by filling out this form. We'll email you to let you know about any events in ...
Update: A new promo teaser has been released for the Iron Sky sequel, Iron Sky: The Coming Race. While the first Iron Sky The Coming Race trailer showed ... - "Iron Sky: The Coming Race" Teaser TRAILER (2015) Nazis Dinosaurs Movie HD The sequel to 2012's Nazis-on-the-moon adventure Iron Sky ...
Join the war against Adolf Hitler and his dinosaur army! Be part of making the best scifi film ever!
Alle Infos zum Film Iron Sky 2: The Coming Race (2017): Iron Sky 2: The Coming Race ist die Fortsezung des Nazis-Out-Of-Space-Abenteuers Iron Sky aus dem Jahr...
Iron Sky 2: The Coming Race est un film réalisé par Timo Vuorensola avec Udo Kier, Julia Dietze. Découvrez toutes les informations sur le film Iron Sky 2: The ...
Iron Sky 2: The Coming Race, Ein Film von Timo Vuorensola mit Udo Kier, Julia Dietze. Übersicht und Filmkritik. Vor 20 Jahren wurde die Erde durch eine ...
Iron Sky 2 The Coming Race Trailer (2016 OT: Iron Sky 2: The Coming Race) Kinostart: noch kein Termin Alle Infos zum Film: ...
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Timo Vuorensola. Timo Vuorensola a finnish director currently based in Helsinki and he is the director of Iron Sky The Coming Race. Vuorensola's previous ...
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