Father of My Children

Storyline Father of My Children
Gregoire Canvel has everything a man could want: a wife he loves, three delightful children and his dream job - he is a film producer. Discovering talented filmmakers and developing films that fit his conception of the cinema, free and true to life, is precisely his reason for living. Gregoire devotes almost all of his time and energy to his work. Although he spends weekends with his family at their house in the country, even these precious moments are regularly interrupted by demanding directors and concerned investors. While Gregoires very presence commands admiration, and his exceptional charisma lead many to believe he is invincible, the future of his prestigious production company, Moon Films, is in doubt; too many productions, too many risks, too many debts. Storm clouds are gathering, and Gregoires realisation that he may have made one gamble too many will trigger a series of events that will change the lives of his family forever.
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Movie details Father of My Children
Release :2009-12-16
Genre :Drama, Foreign
Runtime : 110
Company : Lighthouse Pictures
Some Reviews
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Some reporters have drawn connections between the press' grudging evolution on Cosby and a painful chapter in my own family's history. It was shortly ...
Almost two years ago, my father was killed by a hospital-borne infection in the intensive-care unit of a well-regarded nonprofit hospital in New York City ...
Characteristics of a Narcissistic Father (From Children of the Self Absorbed: A Grownup’s Guide to Getting over Narcissistic Parents by Nina Brown)
chief, principal . A primitive word; father, in a literal and immediate, or figurative and remote application) -- chief, (fore-)father(-less), X patrimony, principal.
Hope starts with food Hope starts with food Feed My Starving Children® is a Christian non-profit committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body and ...
In 1992 after having my first child, my Mother decides to tell me that my Dad is not my biological father. I was 24 years old and completely devastated.
My father said he came to believe that she would have been better off if he had died. “She’d have weeped the weep of a widow,” he told me in his ...
January 28, 1987 To Mirjana in Sarajevo: "My dear children! I came to you in order to lead you to purity of soul, and then to God. How did you receive me?
How to protect your child from a narcissistic father or mother starts with understanding what drives such personality types to do what they do. We have written in the ...
Go to end of list. Go to chronology. Go to topics list. Go to Pride&Prej. motifs. Go to place list/map. Go to table of contents. Brief, Organized Listing of Characters
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