The King's Daughters

Storyline The King's Daughters
Late 17th Century: Anne de Grandcamp and Lucie de Fontenelle, two little girls from Normandy, arrive at the Saint-Cyr school founded by Madame de Maintenon for educating the daughters of impoverished nobles ruined in wars and making them into free women.
Madame de Maintenon is the secret wife of Louis XIV, and empowered by his support, she offers "her" two hundred fifty girls a playful and avant-garde education. Anne and Lucie, two inseparable friends, allow themselves to be carried away by the promise of a bright future. But Maintenon has arrived at the pinnacle of power through scheming and debasing herself and she now fears the fires of hell. She is counting on her model school to atone for her past sins.
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Movie details The King's Daughters
Release :2000-05-17
Genre :Drama, History, Romance
Runtime : 0
Company : ARTE France Cinéma, Archipel 35
Some Reviews
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King’s Daughters is pleased to welcome neurosurgeon Michael Weicker, M.D., to its medical staff. Weicker earned his medical degree from the Col...
The King's Daughters ~ providing custom hand made high quality simple and modest apparel including jumpers, dresses, blouses, skirts, nightgowns, vests, petticoats ...
King’s Daughters Medical Center is a non-profit hospital that serves a five-county area of over 100,000 people
Home | About Us | Membership | • King's Daughters • | Regiment | Resources | Message Center | Français : The filles du roi, or King's ...
Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters is the leading children's hospital in southeastern Virginia and the only free-standing children's hospital in the state.
King’s Daughters Clinic Address: 1905 SW H.K. Dodgen Loop. Temple, TX 76502. Phone: (254) 298-2400. Hours: Mon-Thurs | 7:00am – 6:00pm Friday | 7:00am – 5:00pm
Home | About Us | Membership | • King's Daughters • | Regiment | Resources | Message Center | Français : A B C D E F G H I J L M N O ...
Hoopla: New Digital Service Now Available. Haverstraw Library is pleased to announce that Hoopla, an e-content borrowing and streaming service, is now live!
Les Filles du Roi. There once was a poet who by influencing public opinion cast a dark shadow over the role of those young women who known as the King's Daughter/Les ...
Welcome to The King's Daughters' School. You shouldn't have to choose just one priority for your child's special education, and at The King's Daughters' School you ...
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