Chicken with Plums

Storyline Chicken with Plums
Nasser-Ali, a talented musician, loses the will to live after his wife breaks his beloved violin during an argument. He searches for a replacement, and finding none that sounds quite the same, he vows to die. Eight days later, he does. This is the story of his last week of life, where we see flashbacks and flash forwards of his previous life and his children's futures. We also see appearances of a nude Sophia Loren as well as the angel of death, Azarel. As we see his life, we realize exactly why he chose to end it and the profundity of this choice.
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Movie details Chicken with Plums
Release :2011-10-25
Genre :Drama, Comedy, Romance
Runtime : 93
Company : Celluloid Dreams, TheManipulators
Some Reviews
Search Result :
Chicken with Plums (French: Poulet aux prunes) is a 2011 internationally co-produced dramatic film directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud. It is based on ...
Get this all-star, easy-to-follow Apricot Glazed Chicken with Dried Plums and Sage recipe from Dave Lieberman.
On a cool night, simmer chicken with onion and white wine for a comforting and flavorful meal. Chicken thighs stay moist as they cook slowly in this hearty ...
فیلم جدید مرجان ساتراپی که در جشنواره ونیز نیز به نمایش درآمده است در مورد یک موسیقی دان به ...
Chicken is an ideal choice for non-vegetarians if they have to cook a wonderful meal in minutes.Chicken is high in protein with all the essential amino-acids required ...
Looking for recipes including healthy dried fruit? Search our database of recipes, all featuring nutrient dense California Dried Plums!
Welcome Tummywise Visitors. All of the great content from the Tummywise site has now been incorporated in the California Dried Plums site.
The Best Plum Sauce Fresh Plums Recipes on Yummly | Fresh Plum Sauce, Sticky Grilled Drumsticks With Plum Sauce, Pork With Plum Sauce
Plum Recipes Sweet, juicy plums star in top-rated recipes for plum breads, puddings, sweet or savory sauces, jams, pies, and more.
This is a terrific light dessert. If you leave off the cream-cheese topping, it becomes a lovely accompaniment to roast chicken or pork.
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