Schellebelle 1919

Storyline Schellebelle 1919
The movie tells the story of the farming family Van de Velde, in the aftermath of the First World War. The farmer and his son, who have fought in the trenches of the Yser, are still missing in 1919, and the mother has died, so the eldest daughter Coralie runs the farm now on her own. She has welcomed 25 orphans during the war, but the Child Welfare Commission wants to put them in an orphanage. And some local notables with a sneaky plan want to take possession of the farm. But Coralie and the orphans fight back...
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Movie details Schellebelle 1919
Release :2011-07-27
Genre :Drama
Runtime : 0
Company :
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Sinds 1973 organiseert Oud K.S.A.-Actiegroep evenementen in hartje Schellebelle.
Schellebelle 1919 is een Vlaamse film die verhaalt over de gebeurtenissen in de voormalige Belgische gemeente Schellebelle, net na de Eerste Wereldoorlog ...
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Schellebelle. Op 16, 17, 18 & 19 december 2016 Vrijdag en zaterdag van 10-18u Zondag van 11-18u Maandag van 13-18u. Bewaar dit event in je agenda. 16-12-2016 10:00 19 ...
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OUR MISSION Shaping the bodies and minds of women. SINCE 1919 Shaping bodies. OUR BRANDS
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