Tintin and the Temple of the Sun

Storyline Tintin and the Temple of the Sun
Tintin travels to Peru to rescue some archaeologists from an old inca curse.
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Movie details Tintin and the Temple of the Sun
Release :1969-12-13
Genre :Adventure, Family, Mystery, Animation
Runtime : 77
Company : Belvision
Some Reviews
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Tintin and the Temple of the Sun; Directed by: Eddie Lateste: Produced by: Raymond Leblanc: Music by: François Rauber: Cinematography: François Léonard: Edited by
Movie information; Title: Tintin and the Temple of the Sun Directed by: Eddie Lateste Produced by: Raymond Leblanc: Screenplay by: Greg: Based on: The Seven Crystal ...
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Directed by Eddie Lateste. With Philippe Ogouz, Claude Bertrand, Lucie Dolène, Albert Augier. Tintin travels to Peru to rescue some archaeologists from an old inca ...
We continue the TIntin movies with the very fist animated feature movie
Prisoners of the Sun (French: Le Temple du Soleil) is the fourteenth volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé.
tintin and the temple of sun part 1 in hindi - Duration: 35:01. GAME ATOR## 5,128 views. 35:01 Copy of Tintin and the Lake of the Sharks YouTube ...
Tintin travels to Peru to rescue some archaeologists from an old inca curse. IMDb ... Title: Tintin et le temple du soleil (1969) 6.7 /10. Want to share IMDb's ...
We don't have enough data to suggest any movies based on Tintin and the Temple of the Sun. You can help by rating movies you've seen. URL.
The shooting of “Tintin and the Temple of the Sun” could start at the end of 2016 with a release date in 2017, pointed out Jamie Bell, who was Tintin ...